5 Bold Steps Vision® Canvas
± 90 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 15 people

How to quickly create a compelling vision with your team to drive your business forward using the 5 Bold Steps Vision® Canvas.

Blank Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The blank canvas is, as the name says, empty. It is a blank slate for you to fill. Use it to make your own canvas.

Business Model Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The business model canvas is a great tool to help you understand a business model in a straightforward, structured way.

Business Model Ideation
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The business model canvas can be a terrific ideation tool if you know how to use it as such. The tools on this page help you generate different options that you can either explore further or put on the shelf for later.

Context Canvas®
± 45 minutes
2 / 5
3 - 5 people

The Context Canvas® is the framework we use to help you understand the context.

Cover Story Vision® Canvas
± 45 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 5 people

What is the most amazing future you see for your company (and yourself)? Who has the boldest vision ever?

Creative Matrix
± 15 minutes
2 / 5
3 - 5 people

Essentially, the creative matrix is a tool that will help spark new ideas at the intersections of discrete categories. This tool is all about divergent thinking.

Customer Journey Canvas
± 45 minutes
4 / 5
3 - 5 people

The Customer Journey is a tool to help you get insight into, track, and discuss how a customer experiences a problem you are trying to solve.

Design Criteria Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

Whether you’re designing a new Value Proposition, Business Model, or even an entire strategy for the future, design criteria form the principles and benchmarks of the change you’re after.

Experiment Canvas
± 30 minutes
4 / 5
3 - 5 people

The experiment canvas, created by Ash Maurya, provides a straightforward way to break down your assumptions into measurable, observable, experiments.

Innovation Matrix
± 45 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 5 people

What are the really promising ideas? Use the innovation matrix and the ranking system on this page to filter out the best ideas.

Investment Readiness Level
± 15 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 5 people

With the Investment Readiness Level, you now have a way to quantify the progress of a product, project, or company to help you make investment decisions, whether you’re a team leader, manager, or investor.

Persona Canvas
± 30 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 5 people

The persona canvas can be used to give a customer segment a face and name and make it easier to step into the shoes of the customer.

Prototype Canvas
± 90 minutes
4 / 5
3 - 5 people

Simply put, prototyping is the art and science of faking it before making it, where 'it' refers to an innovative product or service. Prototyping is used to make value propositions tangible and concrete.

Riskiest Assumption Canvas
± 45 minutes
4 / 5
3 - 5 people

How do you know you’re making the right bet with your idea? Which bets does the success of your idea hinge on? These are your riskiest assumptions.

± 45 minutes
2 / 5
3 - 5 people

Just like it is in movie-making, a screenplay provides an efficient and effective way to design a meeting. The more thorough the screenplay, the better the meeting.

± 30 minutes
1 / 5
Solo - 10 people

Visualizing your idea on paper is one of the fastest, most effective ways to take your first steps to prototyping.

Storytelling Canvas
± 45 minutes
4 / 5
3 - 5 people

We're all born storytellers. Don't be afraid: stories can be designed! The storytelling canvas helps you to do just that!

Team Charter Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

So, you've gathered a team of unusual suspects and diverse characters. How will you agree on your goals, expectations, and values?

Validation Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

With your experiments in place, it’s time to start testing them and tracking the progress over time.

Value Proposition Canvas
± 90 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 5 people

When it comes time to really understand your customers, including their jobs-to-be-done, pains, and gains, as well as your offer to them, the Value Proposition Canvas is one of the best tools available to help you.

Wall Of Ideas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The purpose of this tool is to fill up an entire wall with the ideas generated by a team in a short amount of time.

War Room Checklist
± 120 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 15 people

Having a ‘war room’ where the team can get together and see progress will boost productivity and efficiency tremendously.




