You searched for: "visualize"

4 tools found.

± 30 minutes
1 / 5
Solo - 10 people

Visualizing your idea on paper is one of the fastest, most effective ways to take your first steps to prototyping.

Blank Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The blank canvas is, as the name says, empty. It is a blank slate for you to fill. Use it to make your own canvas.

Business Model Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The business model canvas is a great tool to help you understand a business model in a straightforward, structured way.

Prototype Canvas
± 90 minutes
4 / 5
3 - 5 people

Simply put, prototyping is the art and science of faking it before making it, where 'it' refers to an innovative product or service. Prototyping is used to make value propositions tangible and concrete.




